Tech Addiction Roundtable Highlights

Tech Addiction Roundtable Cover

  On February 25th, 2022, Creating Future Us hosted an investor roundtable with top global experts on the topic of Tech Addiction. During this two-hour roundtable, we explored many of the key contributors to and impacts of tech addiction. It was a landscape overview of the historical evolution, current state and where tech addiction may […]

Bits and Bots: How Digitalization & Automation is Reshaping the Workforce & Work Itself

Executive Summary The world of work is experiencing a seismic transformation, brought on by advances in D&A. While there are demographic and psychological shifts underway, automation remains the largest contributor to changing workflows and roles. Introduction Digitalization and Automation (D&A) are already comprehensively impacting labor and workflows. Advances in AI, cloud, data use and apps, […]