Apple Faces Legal Protest From Meta, Microsoft, X, Spotify and Match

By The Wall Street Journal Published on March 20, 2024   Five tech companies object to Apple’s new app store policies related to payment for services.   Meta Platforms, Microsoft, X, Spotify and Match Group filed legal petitions protesting Apple’s app store policies, objecting to how the tech giant has complied with a federal court […]

Automakers Are Sharing Consumers’ Driving Behavior With Insurance Companies

By The New York Times Published on March 11, 2024   LexisNexis, which generates consumer risk profiles for the insurers, knew about every trip G.M. drivers had taken in their cars, including when they sped, braked too hard or accelerated rapidly.   Some drivers of General Motors cars, like these Chevrolet Bolts, may not realize […]

How dating apps turn love seekers into addicts, according to a new lawsuit

By AP News Published on February 15, 2024   Stuck in a dating app loop with no date in sight? A lawsuit filed Wednesday against Match Group claims that is by design.   Tinder, Hinge and other Match dating apps are filled with addictive features that encourage “compulsive” use, the proposed class-action lawsuit claims.   […]

Intelligence About Russia Puts Focus on New U.S. Satellite Push

By The New York Times Published on February 13, 2024    The Pentagon is in the early stages of a program to put constellations of smaller and cheaper satellites into orbit to counter space-based threats of the sort being developed by Russia and China.   Hours after the news broke on Wednesday that the United […]

SEC’s Gensler sounds warning on AI conflicts of interest in investing

By Pensions&Investments Published on February 13, 2024   Artificial intelligence opens up tremendous opportunities for humanity, but also presents challenges for regulators to tackle, like conflicts of interests in the investing space, according to SEC Chair Gary Gensler.   “If the optimization function in an AI system is taking the interest of the platform into […]

House unveils new warrantless surveillance bill

By THE HILL Published on February 12, 2024     House Republicans unveiled a new package for reauthorizing and reforming the nation’s warrantless surveillance powers, pushing forward text while prepping for a floor battle over controversial provisions.   Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which allows the government to spy on noncitizens […]