The European Commission has a Big New Plan for Startups. Here’s What You Need to Know About it

By:  Sifted

June 22, 2022

European policymakers are going to publish the most comprehensive plan so far for how to help European startups grow and compete globally.


The stakes are high — Europe wants to produce its own deeptechs to compete with innovations coming from the US and China — and the EU realises that it will need home-grown solutions to pursue its ambitious digital and green agendas.


But for now, Brussels is only halfway there.

Early-stage investment in European startups is comparable to that in the US and the number of unicorns in Europe doubled in 2021. Yet Europe still has a “scaleup gap”, with significantly fewer growth-stage tech businesses than the US and China. It’s also behind on deeptech investment; the US and China combined provided about 81% of global private investment in the sector between 2015 and 2018.


To accelerate the change, the European Commission is going to present a policy roadmap dubbed A New European Innovation Agenda, a draft of which has been seen by Sifted. The plan will focus on five pillars:


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