With Clock Ticking, Battle over Tech Regulation Intensifies

By: Washington Post

Date: June 27, 2022


The left-leaning advocacy group Fight for the Future watched as tech companies blanketed the airwaves with ads urging millions to tell their senators to block major antitrust bills winding their way through Congress. Trying to make the most of its significantly smaller budget for counter messaging, the advocacy group decided to target one person: Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer.

Over the weekend, the group drove billboard trucks with 12-foot-wide screens to Schumer’s homes in New York and Washington, blaring a video of comedian John Oliver urging Congress to pass the legislation.

The decision to target Schumer was a simple one, said Evan Greer, Fight for the Future’s director: “He is the key. … This was a way to get creative and put this right in his face.”


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