Just Eat to offer 1,500 Liverpool Couriers Minimum Hourly Rate and Sick Pay

By: Guardian April 21, 2021 Just Eat is to offer 1,500 takeaway couriers in Liverpool minimum pay, sick pay and holiday pay by the end of the year as it shifts away from using independent contractors. The food delivery group, which recently began building its own courier network in the UK alongside putting […]
Walmart Sidelines Robots to Cater to Pandemic Shopping Trends: Report

By: Fox Business April 21, 2021 Retail giant Walmart is doing away with some of its automated technology that was designed to make the online ordering and pickup process easier for customers, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. The retailer is shifting away from using its pickup towers, which allowed customers who ordered online to […]
Crisp Insights into Digital Age ESG Developments – Apr 15, 2021

Jack Ma’s Ant Group Forced to Restructure After China Crackdown These actions, and the $2.8Bn record fine, underscore the growing disaffection of regulators with tech companies, even as tech companies become the largest spenders on lobbying. While some of the actions imposed on Ant Group are indeed prudent ones, it has caused havoc for […]
A Global Tipping Point for Reining In Tech Has Arrived

By: New York Times April 20, 2021 Never before have so many countries, including China, moved with such vigor at the same time to limit the power of a single industry. China fined the internet giant Alibaba a record $2.8 billion this month for anticompetitive practices, ordered an overhaul of its sister financial company and warned […]